Media Presence

Explore Adan's participation in Media, featured in podcasts, webinars, media articles, and blogs.

Podcast Appearances

Recorded Presentations & Webinars

Adaptive governance of urban green spaces across Latin America –Insights amid COVID-19. SLU Urban Futures webinarseries.

Teleworking from a near-home shared office in Mexico City. Webinar series, Department of Economics, Universidad de San Francisco de Quito.

Media Mentions

Blog Contributions

DevRes 2021: Takeaways that may help us in reaching SDGs in low-income countries: SLU’s Global Blog –Global development contributing to Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Research in Blogs

Would consumers pay more for animal welfare?

A warmer reception to new crops and forest-based products? Opportunities from climate change in Sweden, SLU Future Food.

¿Qué pasará con el trabajo remoto al terminar el COVID?: Unidad de prensa de la Universidad Iberoamericana.

¿Cómo los consumidores residenciales pueden ayudar a una transición energética justa en México?: Foco Economico –Unblog latinoamericano de economia y politica.

High incidence of violent crime may drive geographic chronic poverty: IGC –International Growth Center.