Bioeconomy aims to spread the use of renewable biological resources from land and sea across economic sectors to produce a wide range of products —e.g. food, health, materials, products, textiles and energy.
Adan’s interest in a Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy is recent, and has been triggered by his appointment as Senior Lecturer (Universitetslektor) in Bioeconomy at SLU in 2019. His work in this line of research focuses on exploring how digital advancements may play in favor or against the spread of a Circular Bioeconomy, with a focus on the Swedish Forest Sector.
Featured Research
In ongoing research, together with colleagues and students at SLU, Adan is exploring the intersections among Bioeconomy, Circularity, and Sustainability —with a focus on the forestry sector.
In addition, Adan and colleagues are exploring the association between digital literacy and sustainable forest management practices, with a focus on small forest owners in Sweden.