Applied Econometrics

Applied Econometrics aims to document causal relationships by leveraging statistical methods, economic theory, and windows of opportunity that empirical economists “open“ (via e.g. instrumental variables approach) or identify (via e.g. quasi-experiments or natural experiments).

Adan’s interest in applied econometrics is rooted in his conviction that rigorous policy design must be informed with causal evidence.

Featured Research

The paper addresses the differing interpretations of correlation parameters in these two models. When a Bivariate Probit (BP) model is estimated on data generated from a Recursive Bivariate Probit (RBP) process, the BP correlation parameter becomes a weighted average of the RBP's correlation parameter and the parameter associated with the endogenous binary variable. The paper highlights two main points: first, the RBP correlation parameter does not necessarily capture the correlation between binary variables, unlike the BP model; second, a BP model's zero correlation parameter may mask the presence of a recursive process.

Most of my publications are available via open access or in my ResearchGate. However, if you’re unable to access any of the papers, feel free to reach out to me directly. I’m always happy to share a copy—it’s great to know someone is interested in my work!